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Happy Thanksgiving!

Jake and I celebrated with his family this year. We ate a DELICIOUS dinner, had funny conversation and played games. (Jake and I creamed Grandma and Nana in TriBond, hehe) I've been reminded through chain emails, facebook, tv shows, news programs and fabulous parades to share what I am thankful for this year.

I am thankful for a wonderful husband who, while he maintains he's an evil mastermind, is truly sweet, kind and funny.

I am thankful for in-laws who have welcomed me into their family entirely and treat me as one of their own.

I am thankful for the gospel and the never-ending comfort and support it has provided in my life.

I am thankful for forgiving parents who raised me to be kind, polite and a well-rounded individual.

I am thankful for friends both near and far that can make me laugh with a single word or knowing look.

I am thankful for all the children in my life who brighten my day. (including the tiny twins who can wake me with swift kicks!)

I am thankful for maternity jeans- seriously they're mega comfortable.

I am thankful for cellphones, keeping me in touch with loved ones who are far away from me.

I am thankful for so many things, there is NO way I could list them here without boring you (I can't think of clever quips for all of them!!) Now I will remind you to share what you're thankful for this season, and the whole year through! that sounded cheesy eh?


Unknown says:
at: Nov 26, 2009, 10:01:00 PM said...

I, too, am thankful that your in-laws have enjoyed having you in their family and made you feel welcome. Knowing that has made my Thanksgiving/year without you seeing a little easier to handle. Cherish those little kicks you feel. In a few years they may kick you for real and let you know you're not their favorite person, then you can look back on those kicks and smile. I love you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and Michael and the two baby Fishers.

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