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New Job Announcement!

I have wanted to tell you all about this job for a while- but I had to wait for the go ahead from my boss. We're about to launch our website, the Facebook page has been pretty active for a while, so here it goes!

I am going to be a writer for a new magazine in my city called "Growing Up in the Valley"!

 It is going to be an awesome magazine with articles and activities for everyone in the family. I am so excited to be a part of this whole shindig! The first issue is due out at the end of August, but all summer we'll be involved in a promotional campaign and doing lots of fun things online. I'll definitely keep you blog readers in the loop- maybe even quoting you guys! Now, go "like" the Facebook page for all up-to-date news on the magazine!


Unknown says:
at: Mar 31, 2012, 6:10:00 AM said...

I did "like" the page!
Do you know how frustrating it can be to get the updates of a FB page one has "liked" and NOT be able to do anything or go to anyplace or take advantage of the FREE stuff because I live in NE instead of the Roanoke area?!?!?!
I'm not moving, just saying!
Congrats & I hope you send me copies of your published work!

Deanna says:
at: Mar 31, 2012, 9:54:00 PM said...

AWESOME *high five*