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Design by Dzignine

Valentines Day


I had planned to blog about my parent's trip down for Valentine's day weekend. I even took photos of our full freezer and new baby swag, but something has come up that I think you readers want to know about more!

I woke up 2 am on sunday in a pool of water on our bed, after waking up Jake I called UVA's labor and delivery and they sent me to Our Town's Community Hospital to be checked and then get transported to UVA. We packed up our bags real quick, called family and got ourselves to the hopsital.

Once there, they checked me and I had dilated to 3cm. It wasn't until after I got to the hospital that I started to have contractions. They gave me medicine to slow them down, they also gave me antibiotics and a steroid shot to help the babies lungs are much as possible.

Around 4 I got on the ambulance with two OB nurses and we took off for UVA. We made very good time, got there in less than two hours, but my contractions had gotten stronger and weren't getting farther apart. The nurses said I was humming and singing through them, I don't remember much apart from OW OW OW.

At UVA, they checked me again and I had gotten to 5cm, at that point it is nearly impossible to slow/stop labor enough to have any positive effect on the babies. Jake, his parents and my parents all arrived shortly after 8am. At 9:06, I was rolled into the OR to be prepped.

I had a spinal block, which just felt like my whole lower body just got pins and needles and then fell asleep. It worked so well that when they called Jake in (with his handsome blue unitard) I didn't know when they actually started the surgery. Every once in a while it felt like a sandbag was on my chest, but I didn't feel any pain. I did get sick from the medicines, and it happened just as they got Chucky-Sue out, so I only remember the poor girl I got sick on. Chucky-Sue did give me a scare, as she didn't start to cry right away, but she caught up quickly. Jake got to take photos as they examined both babies, and then was allowed to hold them before they went into the NICU. I was able to give them kisses and watch Jake hold them before they were whisked away for more tests.

Then Jake has his own story about following the babies to the NICU and being with them. I was taken to a recovery room, where I got to try to move my toes for four hours. I wasn't allowed out into my room until I could move my knees to get into my own bed. I now know why the nurses were so gruff about me moving, it's definitely helped me feel better faster and be able to go down  and visit in the NICU.

And that's all it took for me to turn into a Mom.

a mom.



elaine says:
at: Feb 15, 2010, 8:27:00 PM said...

so excited for you guys! Congrats to your little family of FOUR!!!!

Jaime says:
at: Feb 16, 2010, 8:49:00 AM said...

and now you have "your story". waiting to know what that story is can be so exciting...and now you have it. and what a story it is!! many congrats.

Unknown says:
at: Feb 16, 2010, 10:39:00 PM said...

Thank you for sending me the photo album link! You don't update the blog as often so I felt like I was missing out since I don't do FBook. The most recent pic of E is my favorite thus far but both grandbabies are very beautiful! Love to you and your family!