Copyright © Simply 14
Design by Dzignine

Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a young girl, named Stacy. Stacy and her roommate, Erin, decided to walk to the college that they both attended to see the annual Highlander Festival. After viewing all the booths, and buying a few christmas gifts for family and friends, Erin and Stacy walked past a concession stand, where lo and behold, was their friend from church- Candy. As it turns out, Candy and her sister Christine, and a few other friends from the family ward in town, were running the concession stand! Stacy and Erin were very amused and proceeded to laugh and chit-chat with Candy. This laughter caught the attention of the Boss, who then offered Stacy and Erin one-day jobs to help them out with the lunch and dinner rushes (as it was just after noon.) Now Stacy and Erin are very nice girls, and have been taught by their mothers never to deny a friend in need, they accepted and worked for the group for near 6 hours. They laughed and joked and played with their friends when it was slow, but also worked hard and did their share. And that is how Stacy and Erin earned $35 for going to a festival.

:) I got some really cool photos from it too.