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Design by Dzignine

Bravo ToysRus!

I recently ordered a cute lunch box and sippy cup holder online from and somehow, it got delivered to someone else. UPS confirmed it delivered to another family or something. I don't know where the miscommunication happened, but it did. I emailed ToysRus asking if I could get a refund, or if they could contact UPS to try to get my package to me. Not only did they try to find my package (they had no luck with UPS) but instead of just a refund, they shipped a whole new set to me  and hopefully it finds it's way to me!

It was a pretty nice surprise when I was expecting a canned "so sad too bad" response. So right on ToysRus, good to know that customer service isn't dead :) 

(And UPS my last name sounds nothing like Calevari!)


Susan says:
at: Apr 16, 2011, 3:15:00 PM said...

I wouldn't have expected anything less than a refund or new product! I'm glad they did the right thing. I bet the Calevaris were excited to get a free lunchbox set! (Shame on them for accepting it.)