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Design by Dzignine

Two Months

So little miss is now two months (adjusted age 12 days) and we had her check-up yesterday! :) The doctor was very impressed with her head control and muscle tone, she's doing very well despite her preemieness!

Weight: 9lbs 13oz, she's two ounces away from being double her birth weight! After her next doctor appointment she gets switched to normal formula. The only plus of neosure is her gaining weight so fast, but it makes her so gassy and uncomfortable. I'm sure if she was aware, she'd be looking forward to the switch too!

Length: 21.75 inches, she grew 1.75 inches in about a month. I could have told you that without the check up as she is a very long girl, must take after her Pahpaw!!

Sassiness: 100%

She slept AWESOMELY two nights ago, from 10:30pm to 4:30am! I don't know what made her change from her normal 2am wake up, but I'm not complaining. Sadly, she got shots at her appointment, so she was (is) cranky so it didn't happen again...