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Design by Dzignine

Camera Shy Baby

So we had a bit of excitement today at my doctor's appointment. I'm 12 weeks and a few days and the doctor was expecting to be able to catch the lil booger's heartbeat. But apparently, my own heartbeat is very loud in that area, and I was getting more nervous as it went on and my heart rate was getting faster and louder, thus not being able to make out the little baby heartbeat.

The Doctor then scheduled me for an ultrasound that afternoon (Thank you SO much Kay!) Thankfully, baby is doing GREAT. S/he has a strong heartbeat, but HATES ultrasound. S/he kept squirming away from the wand and turning his/her back to us. I did get to see his/her feet and toes. They look a lot less blobby than last time! Though it still has Jake's big head. :) It is very cool how the baby has a personality this early.


Heather says:
at: Oct 15, 2008, 3:58:00 PM said...

Congrats!! It's so much fun when personality comes out this early!