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Happy Birthday Jake

so what if it's only for another 15 minutes :)

My old man turned 30 today! We spent the day feeding the neurotic Jasper and the rolypoly Farley, then to the longest job interview ever (where I hid in the car away from the biggest dogs ever. it was at a correctional camp) A quick hop over to Big City for some  window shopping* and topped it off with a movie night. (Angels and Demons, the book was better.)

Now I'm going to go snuggle him and remind him to take his bengay and call the AARP back. :)

Happy Birthday Jake!

*= us wishing we had the extra funds to buy those cute clothes, interesting books and nifty gadgets


Unknown says:
at: May 29, 2009, 6:33:00 AM said...

Happy Birthday Michael! It slipped my mind as I was occupied with other things. Sorry. I hope the interview went well.

Sarah says:
at: May 30, 2009, 2:59:00 PM said...

Ha ha show your youth by saying "take his bengay" when I think it's actually a cream you rub on for arthritis. Perhaps you could add "change your depends before we hit the early bird special dinner at Shoney's."