Copyright © Simply 14
Design by Dzignine


I wanted to give a quick thanks to everyone, I can't even begin to say how much your kind words and thoughts meant to me and Jake. It is amazing to see how many people were willing to do so much for us. We're really truly blessed. I will try to get out and personally thank everyone, but I didn't want to forget anyone either. Thank you!

And yet another update, I'm doing fine, the nurses continued to be amazing throughout the night and this morning and I'm healing up a quickly as the doctor hoped I would. I have been put on a bit of a bed rest, so I don't think I'll be at church tomorrow, but I should be fine for my vacation, as long as I sit/lay down for most of it.

The hospital also has bi-yearly (one around Christmas, and another in spring.) memorial services for the babies there, and once I get information about it I'll post it on here.

Thank you again, I feel very lucky even in this not-so-fun time.


Gram & Gramps says:
at: Nov 23, 2008, 6:16:00 PM said...

Tracy, You do sound soo very grown up. Plus you do seem (from this distance)to be doing well considering all that has been happening the past week or so. Can not wait to see you this coming week. Your mom will take good care of you I am sure.