Copyright © Simply 14
Design by Dzignine

Springtime Beauties

Spring is really campaigning for favorite season this year. the weather  in my city has been gorgeous! 

We've been park hopping lately, this most recent one was across from a school so it had a playground and a sports complex. 

Chucky Sue loved playing the in dirt in the baseball field. 

I spent a lot of time playing around with camera, testing out it's macro function on the pretty flowers in the outfield. 

How is your spring going?


Unknown says:
at: Apr 12, 2012, 9:32:00 PM said...

My spring got better with pictures of Chucky Sue! Other than that, my allergies are flaring up! Sneezing, watery, itchy eyes. And I took a Clariten a while ago & its not helping! It's too late to go out & get Benedryl or Dimetapp!
I guess I'll just look @ the pictures again!