Copyright © Simply 14
Design by Dzignine


I've been busy setting up our new apartment (we have a million empty cardboard boxes hanging round- anyone need some??) but I did find some time to do some painting. There are a few baby showers coming up (yay!!) and making a nursery appropriate painting for a BOY is something I'm not to good at, so I decided to practice some.

This is a finger painting I did of a baseball- I've yet to add the light blue for the sky though. I was working on shading and color variance in this once- most of my paintings haven't had that.

Then there is abstract art- always a good fall-back for gifts :)

more child themed artwork. this was my attempt at shading- it looks like a young child drew it and I just colored it in- but I was happy that I stuck with it and didn't crumple it up halfway through.

This was something I did for a collage assignment in school- I used koolaid and chocolate milk to color it. Somehow- I got an A!


Gram & Gramps says:
at: Aug 8, 2008, 2:59:00 PM said...

Great painting. I sure enjoy seeing your work. The one with the little girl looks like "A" work Koolaid and Chocolate milk??? WOW!
Love Ya